Mirage Kollektiv
“Mirage“ is a Hannover based collective formed by individuals that work as a community by collaborating with artists from and outside the city organising events and gatherings.
Mirage is an intersectional group that focuses on expanding and enhancing different types of art from southwest Asia and north Africa, while also challenging stereotypes through a critical lens.
As a community in diaspora, we want to provide different perspectives to deconstruct and rethink biases.
Our main goal is to provide fun experiences while also empowering people to rewrite struggles and to be able to celebrate our existence.
Nader Ismail is a Hannover-based digital media creator who uses his work to drive social progress. As a member of the Cameo Collective and a Co-founder of Mirage Collective, Nader has been involved in a variety of projects, using his unique perspective and creative vision to make an impact. His work focuses on exploring themes of identity and culture, with a focus on creating visually stunning content that captures the essence of everyday life.
Obada Ismael is the Co-founder and Artistic Director of Mirage Collective, as well as a member of the CLINCHfestival organizing team. His work focuses on diasporic experiences, displacement, and intersectionality within SWANA communities, and he uses the platform provided by Mirage to raise awareness and increase visibility of these topics
Hadeel is an artist, dancer, and rapper from the Middle East. After coming to Hanover, she became familiar with the local dance and theater scene and took part in numerous projects at the Schauspielhaus, Pavilion, and Faust. Everything she does now is an attempt to express herself, channel her anger, and communicate her messages to the world around her.
Roni is a dancer, choreographer and theater performer who graduated in Dance from Nidaa Al-ard Dance Academy in Damascus and participated with it in many local and international performances. He also participated in several theatrical performances with the Iymar and Enana Dance Group.
As a choreographer, He choreographed many contemporary and folk dances within the theatrical Performance” Azar “ in Mainz.
Enana is the Sumerian goddess of love, war, sex and fertility. Much like their name, Enana is a multi-dimensional artist. Enana is a trans non-binary Rapper, singer-songwriter, performer and activist whose artistic engine has always been fueled by their quest for freedom and social justice. In the last years they have been nurturing a unique sound that represents their intertwined existence, being born in Damascus & based in Berlin since 2015.
Muhammad Tamim is a choreographer and dancer, musician and theater performer who graduated in dance and music from the Conservatory of Music and Iymar Dance Group Academy in Damascus, Syria.
As a choreographer, he has directed several contemporary dance and traditional folk dance companies, including Iymar Dance Group (2007-2010), Ram Ensemble (2008-2012), and Sima Dance Company (2013-2014), while he is also regularly cast as a freelance dancer for independent artistic projects such as Ashiqin Dance Group and Ornina Company, as well as for television and film.
Hebûn is a producer, DJ and musician who lives in Hanover, Germany. Hebûn always mixes deep house and progressive techno in his music and live performances.
He benefits from his cultural diversity, as he is a Syrian Kurd and has a diverse background of musical sense. Every time you hear Hebûn’s music, you will hear kurdish, Arabic melodies between the Kick and the bass.
Omid: Die Auflösung kultureller Barrieren ist bezeichnend den Multi-Instrumentalisten und Komponisten Omid Bahadori.
Der gebürtige Perser agiert seit über zwanzig Jahren mit diversen Musik- und Theatergruppen unterschiedlicher Genres. Seit 2009 gibt er mit seiner Band Sedaa mit weiteren drei mongolischen Musikern weltweit Konzerte. 2021 gewannen sie den Kulturpreis Nordwest in Oldenburg.
Er schöpft aus dem musikalischen Reichtum des Orients und des Balkans und spielt neben der Gitarre verschiedene Trommeln.
Amjad Sukar, Percussion
Der syrische Multi-Perkussionist hat Studien im Fach Musikpädagogik in Damaskus und an der Landesmusikakademie NRW, sowie im Fach Weltmusik an der Popakademie Mannheim absolviert.
Er ist als Künstler und solistisch in verschiedenen Ensembles tätig und unterrichtet als freier Dozent und als Instrumentallehrer an Musikschulen.