Kleiner Saal
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Community – a term we use a lot. But what does it actually mean? Which group is the frame of reference? What does the term mean from a perspective critical of racism and anti-Semitism? Who us included and who is excluded?
People who are affected by racism and/or anti-Semitism can also have a right-wing worldview. Being affected does not make you free from your own right-wing attitudes. How can one handle this dilemma? Is community necessary for political organization and does community automatically mean empowerment and safe(r) spaces? What role does the term diaspora play?
In addition to these questions, the relationship between different communities and the necessary alliances in the fight against right-wing structures inside and outside of parliaments will also be discussed.
with Ferda Berse, Miriam Yosef, Verena Meyer
Moderation: Nadine Golly
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