Im Morgen wächst ein Birnbaum

Photo © Benjamin Zibner
Kleiner Saal
7:30 - 9:00 pm
with Fikri Anıl Altıntaş and Josephine Apraku (Moderation)
In his narration debut „Im Morgen wächst ein Birnbaum (A pear tree grows on the morrow)” published by btb Verlag, Altıntaş embarks on a search for clues that is as personal as it is sincere: What does masculinity mean? What influence does his father in particular have on his ideas about being a man? And how can we as a society manage to allow diverse role models?
In the reading, the author ventures a personal approach to his past and the emotionality of literary self-reflection. A fragmentary positioning in the present, looking for nuances.
Tagged Friday