Collective Stage
with Mirage Kollektiv and Dancing Unchained

Großer Saal
5:45 - 7:00 pm
9:30 - 10:45 pm
”Mirage” is a Hannover based collective formed by individuals that work as a community by collaborating with artists from and outside the city organising events and gatherings.
Mirage is an intersectional group that focuses on expanding and enhancing different types of art from southwest Asia and north Africa, while also challenging stereotypes through a critical lense.
As a community in diaspora, we want to provide different perspectives to deconstruct and rethink biases.
Our main goal is to provide fun experiences while also empowering people to rewrite struggles and to be able to celebrate our existence.
Dancing Unchained is a culturally diverse dance community based in Hanover.
Our main styles are Afro and Dancehall.
Our vision is to network and exchange ideas nationally and internationally.
In addition, culture-specific educational work is carried out through regular dance classes, lectures, workshops, and festivals.
18:00 – 19:00 Uhr und 21:30 – 22:30 Uhr
CLINCH x Mirage Collective
18:00 Eröffnungsrede
18:05 – 18:13 Kurzfilm “Der Tunnel”
Nader Ismail and Obada Ismael will start MirageShow @CLINCHfestival with “The Tunnel”, a short film depicting the invisible parallel realities of people living in the Diaspora and their intersections with the society we live in.
18:13 – 18:20 Dance Performance
Wenn Menschen sich in Roboter verwandeln
Mit Hadeel und Roni
18:20 – 19:00 Live Music
Enana is the Sumerian goddess of love, war, sex and fertility. Much like their name, Enana is a multi-dimensional artist.Enana is a trans non-binary Rapper, singer-songwriter, performer and activist whose artistic engine has always been fueled by their quest for freedom and social justice. In the last years they have been nurturing a unique sound that represents their intertwined existence, being born in Damascus & based in Berlin since 2015.
21:30 – 22:30 Live DJ, Percussionist und Dance Performance
We at Mirage are very happy to present you our latest experiment that we developed together for CLINCHfestival. We have been working intensively on different formats and the result is a combination of DJ set, percussion elements and Sufi_dance performance. We hope that this mixture will create some kind of integration and fascinate and bring us all together.
Mit Muhammad Tamim, Hebûn, Omid, Amjad Sukar
22:30 – 22:45 Uhr
CLINCH x Dancing Unchained
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