
“Şahmaran” © Bêrîvan Îbîn
opening on thursday
11.05., 5:30 pm
A collective exhibition with the artists Bêrîvan Îbîn, Melek Halici, Nima Schaper, Savo Merivani, Sarah Ama Duah, Rebecca Korang and Anna Ehrenstein with different positions on society, memory, and resistance.
Şahmaran is a mythical figure from Kurdish mythology who is half snake and half woman. Various perspectives on Şahmaran are opened and explored via documentation and visual arts. The works of Bêrîvan Îbîn are intended to negotiate their symbolic character, which is reminiscent of a politically violent practice – the “divide et impera”.
A video installation for the performance “to build to bury to remember”
The performance for the video work will take place on Sunday.
Audiocollage, Text and Sound, Sound
In the audiocollage “The cracks in the ground are filled with feathers and eyelashes and silence”, feathers are plucked and also eyelashes and silence. A place is considered. Mythological elements mix with sociological and philosophical reflections on revenge, but none of this is audible. Absent, these elements fuse with the presence of the text, which attempts a poetics of affection. What if revenge was misunderstood?
Sounddesign Nima Schaper
Text Melek Halici
In the collection “KURDISTAN IS A COLOR”, Savo Merivani works with the utilization of packaging materials and worsted yarn as an aesthetic strategy for a translation of collective emotions of persecution, grief, and memory. Through the new and equal consideration of different raw materials such as plastic, silk and wool, the artist searches for new narratives and finds forms for reflections of resistance.
Rebecca Korang & Anna Ehrenstein
Car-Installation with videoprojection
Video, 10’30”, Sound, Color
For the CARPARK exhibition, Anna Ehrenstein produced the video work clans of berlin (2023), in collaboration with Rebecca Korang, which is visible as a rear projection on the windscreen of a dark blue Opel Astra. The work was located in the urban space near the America Memorial Library in Berlin and examined the occurrence and use of the term “Clan-Kriminalität (=Clan Crime)” in German media and current election campaigns. The artists unmask the targeted use of the term and discuss its potential as a neocolonial weapon to spread fear/resentment against population groups which are read as marginalized and the racialization/ethnicization of crime in Germany.